Hi, I'm Shamit

I like to create

It's nice to meet you. I'm 18 years old and attending Stanford University. My goal is to create innovative products for those with a passion. A passion I want to spread. A passion for the future. So the proceeds of my flagship product, the Elemental 75, will be donated towards creating a design thinking course for ambitious students in my community.


Let's collaborate if you're committed to education and equality.

I believe we should provide everyone with an opportunity; my goal is to contribute to those ideals in whatever way I can. If you feel the same, I'd love to talk.

From concept to reality



I believe good design begins with the ability to understand the user's problem before designing the solution.



Brainstorming is like a salad - the more diverse the ingredients, the better the outcome.



The best way to test an idea is to build it. I use a variety of tools to create prototypes, from rough 3d prints to beautiful CNC machined metal.


Keep experimenting

Everything I create is subject to change and experimentation. Not everything will work, but it's worth trying - and learning from what doesn't.